Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Brake Line Repair Solutions - A Third Party Perspective About S.U.R.&.R.

Trust is a critical, yet elusive, characteristic. It must be earned and demonstrated over time.

Vehicle repair professionals have a lot riding on the tools and repair solutions they use in order to build customer trust. Husky Corporation's S.U.R.&R. understands this fundamental fact and strives to make sure customers can trust the solutions we provide. But it's one thing for S.U.R.&R. to say our products deliver great value. It's another to hear about the actual value experienced professionals receive day in and day out.

Rick Muscoplat writes and owns a terrific blog for vehicle service professionals that offers extremely practical advise about tools and methods that can really help make jobs go more smoothly. Recently, Rick  wrote a series of blogs about brake line repair. We'll share the links to those blogs here so you can click them and get a feel for the depth and quality he brings to the topics.


S.U.R.&R. is grateful Rick thought so highly of the PFT 409 Pistol Grip Flaring Tool, which he described as "Cream of the crop. It made quick work out of replacing 6 brake lines and 12 flares. This is absolutely pro grade."

In another blog, he discussed the value of high quality brake line tubing that can be easily manipulated to address situations which inevitably come up in the service bay. "I like S.U.R&R because it bends easily without kinking and is much easier to flare than steel brake line. It costs a bit more than the copper/nickel other brands you can find online, but it’s also a much better product. The cheap stuff is made with thinner walls so it kinks easily. Find S.U.R&R UltraBEND® Flexible Brake Line Tubing at at many national retailers and most commercial parts stores and tool distributors."

We encourage vehicle service professionals who deal with brake line issues to check out the links to the articles above. Then visit the S.U.R.&R. website or call our team for more information on the solutions we have available that will improve your business.

And thanks so much to Rick Muscoplat for his thoughtful blogs about brake line repair. Check out his blog often for other great and practical tips at  http://ricksfreeautorepairadvice.com/